Queer Revolutions

Season Supporters

Season Sponsor

Creary De La O Family Foundation 

Show/Event Sponsors

Dr. Joel and Mrs. Bobbie Porter - The Drag

Edward and Susan Hoffman - Turds in Hell

Leslie Whipkey & Lee Hoffman - Philly Is Burning: A Pride Ball Gala

Drs. Lisa and Glenn George - Knightly Quest

Ken & Julie Kendall - The Normal Heart

Jay & Joan Cohen - Last Summer at Bluefish Cove

David Barquist & Doug Schaller - Cruising Revolutions: A panel discussion

Opening Night Sponsors

Joyce Spindler - The Drag

Barrie Dubois - Turd in Hell

Generous Support provided by the organizations below

Ramayana has been supported by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage and the Tri-M Foundation

Individual Donors


Creary De La O Family Foundation 

Edward & Susan Hoffman

Dr. Joel & Roberta Porter

Wyncote Foundation


Joan & Jay Cohen

Barrie Dubois

Eduardo Glandt

Pat Savadove

Marcia Wright


John Burmaster

John Culhane Jr.

Charlotte Shuman

Jane Whittaker


Elana Benamy & Ray Scheinfield

Laurie Budrewicz

Dr. Charles & Etta Nissman

Kathleen Ross & Daniel Szyld

Joann Seaver

Dr. R. J. Wallner

Elaine Wencil

Caroline Young & Michael Hoad


Stephanie Barr

Michael Hairston

Lystra Harris

Daniel Heyman

Robert & Esther Hornik

Peter Johnson

Timothy Martin

Ariel Parker

Eve Putkovick

Colleen & Kenneth Rand

Wil & Nora Reynolds

Carol Saline & Paul Rathblott

Christina Stasiuk

Businesses That Support EgoPo

1812 Productions
Act II Playhouse
Arden Theatre Company
Bucks County Historical Society
Comedy Sportz
Delaware Theatre Company
Eastern State Penitentiary
Fireman's Hall Mueseum
Good Buy Supply
InterAct Theatre Company
Dim Sum House by Jane Gā€™s
Kelly McCaughan Massage
Lantern Theater Company
Magic Gardens
Painting with a Twist
People's Light Theatre
Philadelphia Artist' Collective
Philadelphia Chamber Society
Quintessence Theatre Group
Ritz Theatre Co.
Salon Royale Court
Society Hill Academy
South Philly Co-op
South Fellini
Storybook Musical Theatre
The Philadelphia Orchestra
Theatre for a New Audience 
Theatre Horizons
Therapeutic Pilates
Wilder Restaurant